I’m a librarian at The City College of New York (CUNY) where I do collection development for History, Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Spanish and Portuguese Literature. I have published the following items on indigenous film and culture.
Domínguez, Daisy V. “American Indians in Feature Films: Beyond the Big Screen.” Collection Building 33, no. 4 (2014): 121-126.
Dominguez, Daisy V. “Building a Library Collection: Fifty Years of Native American Athletes, Sports and Games on Film.” In The Native American Identity in Sports: Creating and Preserving a Culture, edited by Frank A. Salamone, 1-27. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2013.
Dominguez, Daisy V. “Moiety.” “Repartimiento.” “Requerimiento.” In Encyclopedia of Native American History, edited by Peter C. Mancall, 515-516; 709-712. New York: Facts on File, 2011.
Domínguez, Daisy. “Indigenous Film and Video in Latin America: Starting Points for Collection Development.” In Women in Latin American Studies: Reshaping the Boundaries, edited by Angela M. Carreño, 81-108. Tulane University: Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials Papers XLIX, 2008.
Other Publications
Domínguez, Daisy V. “Using Music to Teach Latin American (and World) History.” Teaching History (2014): 11-20.
Dominguez, Daisy V. and Steven Ovadia. “What’s Next for Collection Management and Managers? Twitter: A Collection Development Discovery Tool for and by the People.” Collection Management 3 (2011): 145-153.
Domínguez, Daisy V. “Manufacturing Kleptomania: The Social and Scientific Underpinnings of a Pathology.” Madison Historical Review 6 (2009): 1-23.